Friday, October 10, 2003

Equlibria of love

Love knows no boundaries, being the ultimate sacrifice held high above all virtues. It is an intrinsic proponent of the Christian doctrine. God Himself is love, for He first loves us so that we can love others. Sadly, secularism’s love has propagated the doctrine of self-gratification. Me, myself and I. Individualism and humanism are the fundamental philosophies. Paradoxically, reasoning of love just as the justification of self-realization is more than a hypothetical thought. Infatuation brings about irrational reasoning and unexplainable process. God asked us to love Him with all of our mind, all of our heart and all of our soul. Loving out of obedience, with a constant interpolation of self-conscience, is feasible yet torturous in the long run. On the plane of the other extreme, following one’s heart alone and blindly, there would be no foundation to fall back on when things get rough. Ultimately, with all 3 components integrated, to put it crudely, it is cognitive yet passionate love. It will be a joy to love, not just for the sake of loving without intimacy. I would therefore propound a proposition that to love is to give 100% of our mind, 100% of our heart and 100% of our soul. Mathematically impossible? Well, so is the Trinitarian formula.

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