Sunday, March 19, 2006

dear pastor

dear pastor,
my heavy laden heart is insurmountable if not for Christ's yoke. many of times it is the subtlety, the grey area of instances that happens that might even perplex the most discrening ones. when we voiced that we are not being fed, you gently lashed that we are not to be goats but sheeps. point taken but it implicitly tells us not to raise future issues, namely complaints. sermons should never have a ring a personal agenda to it but to merely preach God's. has it come to a state where there is a need of complete submission to the leadership or when there might come a time of retailiation of the likes of Benny Hinn's "God will smite those who touch His annointed" self-righteousness. even pastors are mere mortals. do not get me wrong, for I highly reverend God's annointed but it is preposterous to suggest mere trust the leadership in blind faith when trust is earned, not enforced, by having transparent accountability. cliche is that there is always the hard line to draw between transparency and the need not to stumble fellow brother akin to "i'll pray about it" attitude which never gets anywhere far, but I believe admitting our fallibility and frailty demonstrates God's grace and mercy abounds. "when I was a child, I talked like a child, I reasoned like a child. when I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face." putting critism aside, time and time again, the teaching never gets beyond milk when we long for meat for most of us had put our childish ways behind. why should there be a dinstinction between christian education and sunday sermons is beyond me. have sermons being diluted to more inspirational speaking rather than teaching the Word of God? more disturbing is that fact that you told a sick person to repent of their sins, and needs to be under a pastorial covering. Eliphaz the Temanite was rebuked by the Lord, even though he and his friends tries to be so theological sound and correct towards Job. no doubt, some form Word-Faith Movement had been absorbed and nothing but great discernment is needed to uncover the subtlety of wolves in sheeps' clothing.
dear pastor,
I have nothing but great admiration for you. Yet there is no need for defence or self-justification if God is with you, who can be against you? However, if it is not of God, no matter how much sound arguments, it will be no more than gongs and cymbals. forgive me for any hurts inflicted for I too am a mere mortal but I once heard that God does not waste the hurts if we let him write His story with our lives...