Monday, June 20, 2005

downcasted yet rejoice

seeking deepest within my downcast soul
why God indeed why
though a sprouted hope bloom
quenched its fragility in a dash
left none but merely a thread
weeping on my knees
acknowledging hidden trangression
seeking mercy and grace
though my heart pains of letting go
yet a dejected soul would rejoice
dispirited yet joyful in God my Savior.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

God and Philosophy - Existance of God

5+5 = 10. Logical? At first glance it seems none can deny such trivial mathematical expression but there is a crucial underlying assumption that has to be made for such obvious statement. The assumption underpinning the said expression is that the base for such evaluation to be computed is 10. Or to be mathematically precise, the decimal. What if such assumption is violated? Say a Martian(with the assumption s/he/it exists), has 8 fingers instead of 10, s/he/it will based such calculation of the base of 8 (Octal). 5+5 = 12. This expression would be invalid in base10 but perfectly valid in base8. I am not acquainted with any philosophical train of thought nor am I a theologian but from the perspective of a layperson, philosophers have the disposition of a rationalist. Don’t get me wrong here, there are a great deal of amazing Christian philosophers/thinkers out there but more than often, intellect became a hindrance to believe in the existence of God. Thus, I would like to propound that such analytical philosophy is flawed if logics alone were to be the framework of such astronomical question. Such question whether God exists, I believe wouldn’t do Him justice if exploring all aspects on the basis of logic. For argument sake, based purely on logic alone, the expression God exist? = yes/no with the base of logic would yield different way of thought if such expression is derived from the basis of faith. Faith embodies a total different level into the equation. The analogy of the previous example serves as a launching pad as we could clearer observe that a little disperancy in the base of the assumption to the expression would totally jeopardized what we are comfortable with since preschool that 5+5=10, not 12. That aside, on a lighter note, trying to prove why did you fall your spouse in the first place would be just as non-trivial and above all, illogical at best. Bottom line is that God define logics but logics don’t define God.